Happy Birthday Dad!

Another great June birthday to celebrate! Time for my first ever Renoir-inspired family portrait...
.Renoir - Luncheon of the Boating Party photo source - Wikimedia Commons

Happy Birthday Dad!! Hope you have an amazing day!

Lots of love,

Holly & the Budge

Happy 30th Lisa!!

Today's my sister's 30th birthday! Definitely cause for celebration! Even a 5.5 earthquake to mark the occasion!
Whoo hoo!

Hope you had a great day, Lisa!

Lots of Love,

Holly & the Budge

Birthday Anteater in the Lazy Day Treasury...

This week seems to be treasury week! This time it's the anteater's turn. He's hangin' out with some sloths and fellow anteaters on the Lazy Day Etsy Treasury.

To have a look at all the great items, click on the link below


Tired Squirrel in the Run! Etsy Treasury

The tired runner squirrel has done it again! Dragging his tired little body across the line to be chosen for the Run! Etsy Treasury! Very happy to be a part of it.

Click on the link below to have a look . . .


Happy Father's Day!

A beautiful, sunny Sunday afternoon, with the smell of barbeque in the air... Mmm the smell of father's day.

Cheers to all the wonderful dads out there!
Hope you had a great day!